Make no small plans.
They do not possess the magic to  stir man's blood and will remain unrealised.  Make big plans, aim high in hope - and work!

Daniel Hudson Burnham
(1846 - 1942, Architect in Chicago)


Head of the Institute: Ralf Andreas Thoma
Dr. rer. pol, lic.oec.HSG

Dr. Ralf Andreas Thoma by linkedin Dr. Ralf Andreas Thoma by xing Follow BWL_Institut on Twitter

Curriculum Vitae Dr. Thoma: Education:
Study of economics, University of St. Gallen (Switzerland)
Doctorate, University of Cologne (Germany)

Professional career:
1999    Founding BWL Institut Basel
2011    Takeover Atlas Business Language GmbH

2003-2007  Member of the Board Albergo Giardino SA, Ascona
2010-2016  Member of the Board Hilotherm Holding AG, Zug

since 2015  Member of the Board European Association for Distance Learning (EADL)