5 Rules for Success

4. know your target group
If you know your customer well,  you will understand his needs better.  Concentrate on a specific target group with similar  needs, similar situations, similar aims and problems.

   Frank Memmler: "With additional business qualifications to a leadership position"

Intensive Course in Business Administration / April 2008

The road to the top of the corporate world crosses business administration. Basic knowledge about the secrets of investment analysis, balance sheets, and income statements leads to the top. Frank Memmler (46) from the Magdeburg area of Saxony-Anhalt used his intensive study to become a Business Economist (BI) and created the building blocks to his career. He finished his intensive study in February 2006 with a grade of 1,4.

Wide Range of Professional Experience
With successful additional business qualifications the way to the top remains wide open. Frank Memmler has a wide range of basic training and professional experience. The educator who thought English and German quit his job as a teacher to devote himself as a journalist to the exciting media of "broadcasting". For six years he was the studio manager then after that he served as chief of service for two radio stations. The change to the other side of the desk followed: As manager of the company's communications department he was in charge of the media presence on the promotion factors in Saxony-Anhalt's Strassfurt. After three years he became the assistant to the executive board of his company which is one of the 28 german centers that cares for career rehabilitation.

No Prior Knowledge
It is going upwards but the crucial leap was only possible through additional skills in business administration. However, this hurdle was to be overcome. "I had no relevant prior knowledge" admits Memmler. His employer required additional training but not necessarily major academic qualifications. Only the basics in business administration were asked of him. The organizational question remained the focus since a study program with extensive presence requirements was not possible. "Missing several days was not an option" said Memmler. A program with a workload of about six hours per week was a possibility. The time planning for evenings and weekends with individual planed times is the best solution.

The Practical Theory Supported
Organization, Management, and Controlling were Memmlers favorite areas in the intensive study. Memmler found the chapters on leadership and organization and strategic management the most interesting. "This material is implemented the most in practice" he says. In the mathematical subject Memmler found a lot of good leaning material. In the balance sheets and income statements of his company he found the information to support the theories. "I used our accounting to explain the details. It was very practical" Memmler said while describing his favorite moments. The big picture about the subject was crucial: "I have to be able to read financial statements, but not create them" he said.

Advancement into Management
The completion of the intensive study helped with his career advance: In the Fall of 2006 Frank Memmler advanced to the position of assistant manager, and is responsible for around 100 employees. The jump to the top is his goal and the additional business administration qualifications make it possible.

Frank Memmler, D-39108 Magdeburg (Germany)